Hill Auditorium Information

hill auditorium

Hill Auditorium was built by noted architectural firm Kahn and Wilby, with the intention of developing a hall with perfect acoustics, and it is said that you can literally hear a pin drop on the stage from the farthest seat in the room. Arthur Hill, after whom the auditorium was named, bequeathed $200,000 to the University of Michigan for the construction of a venue for lectures, musical performances, and other large productions, and thus, Hill Auditorium was created.

In addition to hosting pop and rock concerts and lectures, the auditorium regularly plays host to the School of Music’s various ensembles, including the University of Michigan Concert Band, University of Michigan Symphony Band, University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, University of Michigan Philharmonia Orchestra, and University of Michigan Choirs, as well as the mostly non-major ensembles such as the University of Michigan Arts Chorale, Campus Bands, the Michigan Marching Band, the Campus Symphony Orchestra, and the Men’s Glee Club and Women’s Glee Club.